
New Alphabet Card & eBook - 2022 Deal

Special deal expires 12/31/2022.

Lao alphabet (consonants + vowels) printable flashcards – $6.95

Learn the Lao Alphabet with both the consonants and vowels.

The printable/digital flashcard sets contain 27 Lao consonants + 37 vowels.

These are flashcards dimensions size 9″ x 6″ (great for index card paper type).

2 PDF files are included (Lao Consonants and Lao Vowels).

$6.95 at https://laolessons.com/product/lao-alphabet-consonants-and-vowels-flash-cards-printable/

“How To Write in Lao” (ebook) – $11.95

This practical hands-on book builds a solid foundation to help students with the Lao writing system. The book contains fun visuals and worksheet activities for beginners who are just learning how to read and write.

It covers consonants, vowels, words, and sentences in a gradual step-by-step process.⁠ 
Additionally, you’ll get to hear the audio recordings of all the Lao words in this book!

You will learn 100+ Lao words as you learn to write in Lao!

$11.95 at https://laolessons.com/product/how-to-write-in-lao-ebook/

Get both digital flashcards + eBook

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