
Lao Numbers - Counting in Lao

Learn Lao Numbers - zero to 1 million!

The table starts with 0 and ends with one million.

As you will notice, there are two different ways to say 100. 100 can written as ຮ້ອຍ /hawi, hoy/ or ລ້ອຍ /lawi, loy/.
It also depends on the regions or how your family say it. The causal way of saying it ລ້ອຍໜຶ່ງ /loy neung/. In everyday speech, some people say ລ້ອຍ /lawi, loy/ as well.⁠ The official way (in formal documents, media, etc) is ຮ້ອຍ /hawi/ or ຮ້ອຍໜຶ່ງ /hawi neung/.

Likewise, there are different ways to say “10,000” and “100,000” in Lao.

Audio Lao Phonetic Symbol English
ສູນ /suun/ 0
ຫນຶ່ງ /neung/ 1
ສອງ /sawng/ 2
ສາມ /saam/ 3
ສີ່ /see/ 4
ຫ້າ /haa/ 5
ຫົກ /hok/ 6
ເຈັດ /jaet/ 7
ແປດ /bpaaet/ 8
ເກົ້າ /gow/ 9
ສິບ /sip/ ໑໐ 10
ສິບເອັດ /sip et/ ໑໑ 11
ຊາວ /saao/ ໒໐ 20
ຊາວ​ເອັດ /saao et/ ໒໑ 21
ສາມສິບ /saam sip/ ໓໐ 30
ຫ້າ​ສິບ​ຫ້າ /haa sip haa/ ໕໕ 55
ຮ້ອຍຫນຶ່ງ /hawi neung/ ໑໐໐ 100
ຫນຶ່ງຮ້ອຍ /neung hawi/ ໑໐໐ 100
ລ້ອຍໜຶ່ງ /lawi neung/ ໑໐໐ 100
ພັນ /pan/ ໑໐໐໐ 1,000
ຫນຶ່ງພັນ /neung pan/ ໑໐໐໐ 1,000
ເຈັດພັນສາມ​ລ້ອຍສີ່​ສິບ​ເກົ້າ /jet pan saam lawi sii sip gow/ ໗໓໔໙ 7,349
ສິບ​ພັນ /sip pan/ ໑໐໐໐໐ 10,000
ໝື່ນ /meun/ ໑໐໐໐໐ 10,000
ແສນ /saaen/ ໑໐໐໐໐໐ 100,000
ລ້ອຍພັນ /lawi pan/ ໑໐໐໐໐໐ 100,000
ຮ້ອຍພັນ /hawi pan/ ໑໐໐໐໐໐ 100,000
ລ້ານ /laan/ ໑໐໐໐໐໐໐ 1,000,000
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