If you grew up in the states, you might’ve learned about the 4 seasons in school — Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.⠀
In Laos, however, there are two main seasons. The cool Wet Season which runs from May to October, and the hot Dry Season which runs from November to April.⠀
ລະດູ /ladu/ = Season
ລະດູຮ້ອນ /ladu hawn/ = Summer
ລະດູໃບໄມ້ປົ່ງ /ladu bai mai bong/ = Spring
ລະດູໃບໄມ້ລົ່ນ /ladu bai mai long/ = Fall/Autumn⠀
ລະດູຫນາວ /ladu naao/ = Winter
Spring and Fall notes
The Lao words ໃບໄມ້ປົ່ງ /bai nai bong/ means "leaves blooming" - and thus means "Spring" in Lao. Likewise, ໃບໄມ້ລົ່ນ /bai mai long/ means "leaves falling" in Lao for "Fall/Autumn"
Seasons in Laos
Wet Season = ລະດູຮ້ອນ => ລະດູຝົນ (May to Oct) ⠀
Dry Season = ລະດູໜາວ => ລະດູແລ້ງ (Nov to April)⠀